Responsible for the treatment: NALIPEMI S.L.U. NIF: B-93203867 Postal address: Cortijo Benítez, 360, 29100 Coín, Málaga. Phone: 619 34 20 43, email: Contact Us

On behalf of the company NALIPEMI S.L.U. we handle and invoice the information you give to us to provide the requested service. The data given is kept for as long as the commercial relationship is maintained or for the years necessary to comply with legal obligations. The data will not be transferred to third parties, except in cases where there is a legal obligation. You have the right to get confirmation whether or not in NALIPEMI S.L.U. we treat your personal data, so you have the right to: access your personal data, correct incorrect data or request its deletion when the data is no longer required.

For more information and details on data protection in NALIPEMI S.L.U. Please refer to the legal notice of our website, www.nalipemi.com in the section “Privacy and Data Protection Policy”.

We also request your consent to provide you with products and services related to the requested products and to retain you as a customer.


1. Introduction

This data protection policy is specifically adapted to the website of NALIPEMI S.L.U. (www.nalipemi.com), as well as the applications and other products and services that the owner of the personal data can contract through the aforementioned “contact” website.

This data protection policy is subjected to be changed by NALIPEMI S.L.U. prior communication with the owner of the data through the website or otherwise so that they can be aware of it and continue to use our Services. Your continued use of our Services after communicating the above changes means your consent unless express consent is required.

In accordance with the provisions of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and the free movement of such data (RGPD), as well as the compliance with applicable national data protection regulations, is reported below on the following points regarding the processing of personal data through the website www.nalipemi.com.

In order to comply with the provisions of Law 34/2002 of July 11, the Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce (LSSICE), the general information data of the website www.nalipemi.com are listed below. Website ownership belongs to NALIPEMI S.L.U.

  • C.I.F.: B-93203867
  • Registered office: Cortijo Benítez, 360, 29100 Coín, Málaga.
  • Telephone: +34 619 34 20 43
  • email: [email protected]

Purpose of the information processing and nature of the data collected

The person responsible for the treatment of personal data collected through this website www.nalipemi.com is NALIPEMI S.L.U. Depending on the form that the user completes in each case, the data may be processed for the following purposes:

– Contact form

In the event that the user completes the contact form, his data will be used to fulfill the demand or request for information he requests, as the case may be. The data collected in this case is identifying in nature and is related to the question or request asked.

– Form other channels

You can also contact the interested party and collect their data through other channels such as telephone, email, owned by NALIPEMI S.L.U. or social networks, in which case you will be informed of the purposes for which your data is being processed, and where applicable, your consent will be easily obtained through any of the said channels.

– Use of the website by minors

Although the website www.nalipemi.com is not aimed at minors, they can access it. However, if a minor wants to request information from us, he or she can only do so if he or she is older than 16 years. In the case of minors under the age of 16, this must be done by the person with parental authority, guardian or legal representative, who authorizes them on their behalf to process their personal data by the company, in such a way that those who are responsible for minors and assume sole responsibility for determining the services and content of this website that are appropriate for the age of the minors in their care.

NALIPEMI S.L.U. does not accept any responsibility in the event that minors of the above age provide us with their personal data in violation of these obligations.

– Truth of the information provided

All information provided by the user must be true and accurate. For these purposes, the interested party guarantees the authenticity of all data provided by filling in the corresponding forms. In any case, the user is solely responsible for any false or inaccurate statements and for damage caused by NALIPEMI S.L.U. or to third parties for the information they provide.

What data do we process and from what source are they obtained?

The processed data comes from:

  • Data provided by the interested party, by filling in the form made possible for this purpose and the relationships entered into with NALIPEMI S.L.U.
  • Data derived from the provision of the service: indirectly, by inferring from the provision of the service itself and the maintenance of this activity.
  • The correct management, maintenance and development of the contractual relationship.

Depending on the service, the data processed include the following typology:

  • Identification data (e.g. Name, surname, proof of identity, postal address, e-mail, telephone number).
  • Socio-economic data (e.g. Economic, financial and insurance data).

Recipients of data and international transfers

We inform users that the treatment of the information collected through this website does not involve an international transfer of data. With regard to the information provided by applicants, their data will also become part of a data processing of candidates owned by NALIPEMI S.L.U. so that they can participate in the selection processes it organizes.

Basis that legitimizes the data processing

The basis that legitimizes the processing of the data is the user’s own consent and acceptance, in each of the sections in which personal information is collected. The user has the right to withdraw consent at any time, without affecting the legality of the treatment based on the consent prior to its withdrawal.

The processing of your data in relation to ‘Contact’ and other communication channels at your disposal is based on the maintenance of your request and, where appropriate, on the provision of the contracted services.

In the same way, the legal basis for the treatment of your data derived from the contracting, the performance of the contract for the provision of services or products of NALIPEMI S.L.U. (according to the conditions that appear on the website).

The processing of your data in relation to “candidates” is based on the voluntary submission of their Curriculum Vitae and its retention, based on a legitimate interest.

Data retention

Personal data is kept for the time necessary for the provision of the service or as long as the interested party does not withdraw his consent. Subsequently, the data will be deleted in accordance with the provisions of the data protection rules, which means that they will be blocked, as they are only available at the request of judges and courts, ombudsman, public prosecutor or the competent public authorities during the period of regulation of the actions that could result from this and after that it will proceed to complete elimination.

Exercise of rights

According to the RGDP 2016/679, the person responsible for the treatment is NALIPEMI S.L.U. provide the interested party with information about his actions on the basis of a request in accordance with Articles 15 to 22, 34.

Art 15 Right of access

Art 16 Right to rectification

Art 17 Right to oppression (“Right to be forgotten”)

Art 18 Right to restriction

Art 20 Portability Right

Art 21 Right of opposition

Art 22 Law on automated decisions

Art 34 Violations of communication security



This period can be extended by two months if necessary, taking into account the complexity and the number of requests. The responsible party will inform the interested party within one month of receipt of the request of one of the aforementioned extensions, stating the reasons for the delay.

When the interested party submits the request electronically, the information shall be provided electronically as much as possible, unless the interested party requests otherwise.

Where the person responsible for the treatment has reasonable doubts about the identity of the natural person making the request as referred to in Articles 15 to 21, they may request that the additional information necessary to identify the person be provided. confirm the interested party.

NALIPEMI S.L.U. will respond to requests, even if it is not in our database, informing them that their request has been fulfilled within the legal timeframe. Likewise, the request to exercise the right is communicated to all controllers. Personal data, so that they also comply with user rights within the term set by law.


2. What are your rights?

Any interested party has the right to obtain confirmation whether in NALIPEMI S.L.U. personal data relating to you may or may not be processed.

In the same way, as stipulated in the General Data Protection Regulation, you can exercise the following rights:

  • Access your data to know how the interested party’s personal data is handled by NALIPEMI S.L.U.
  • Request rectification or deletion of your data when the interested party considers them to be incorrect and that they are being handled by NALIPEMI S.L.U. or even request its deletion, including when the data is no longer needed for the purposes for which it was collected.
  • Request restriction of the processing of your data in cases where the regulations consider this. In these cases, NALIPEMI S.L.U. will keep the data subject to the restriction for the exercise or defense of claims as set out in the General Data Protection Regulation.
  • On the portability of their data, in cases where the interested party requests the personal data concerning him and which he has provided to NALIPEMI S.L.U. These data are provided to the interested party in a structured format that is commonly used and read mechanically.
  • You oppose the processing of your data in certain circumstances and for reasons related to your specific situation, in which case NALIPEMI S.L.U. would stop dealing with it, except for compelling legitimate reasons or for the exercise or defense of potential claims.

Likewise, the interested party has the right to object at any time to the sending of advertisements by electronic means sent by NALIPEMI S.L.U. and withdraw your consent, without affecting the lawfulness of the treatment based on prior to you giving that consent.

Likewise, the interested party can exercise the rights described above by means of a written request addressed to NALIPEMI S.L.U. and to the postal address Cortijo Benítez, 360, 29100 Coín, Málaga. Or by filling the contact form, stating in both cases “Data Protection Policy”.

Finally, the owner of the data can file a claim with the Spanish data protection agency, especially when they have not obtained satisfaction in exercising their rights.

Security of the information

NALIPEMI S.L.U. uses state-of-the-art technologies to protect your data and personal information, so our website is stored on secure servers that are protected from the most common types of attacks. However, we remind you that invulnerable technology does not exist and therefore you must use the means within your reach to maintain the security level of your data. NALIPEMI S.L.U. has taken technical and organizational measures to ensure the security of personal data and to prevent its alteration, loss, treatment or unauthorized access, taking into account the state of the art, the nature of the stored data and the risks exposed to it.

Canal de denuncia de NALIPEMI S.L.U. aquí: https://dabocanaldenuncia.com/NALIPEMI